On the 19th November 2018, the dongas arrived and were placed on the concrete footings. Water and power will be connected to them in the near future. In the mean time, the pastures keep greening up and the kikuyu is running very nicely. The green in the photo below is not just kikuyu though. There is plenty of self sown ryegrass in there, and some thick areas of nightshade and inkweed (these will be sprayed out soon with a broadleaf herbicide brew). And since taking these photos, the farm has been blessed with ~31mm of rain on 23rd November. This will help keep the kikuyu spreading nicely and wash in the recently spread trace element fertiliser.
The sheepyard is nearly completed and as soon as the fencing has been completed (still another 2-3 weeks more needed), the first sheep will hopefully be brought to the farm.
The trough system is being installed and is one of the key stipulations for Caluka Farms - the lack of water must never be an excuse to force the sale of sheep. There are many soaks around the farm, but a system of bores connected to a large storage tank and to a trough in every paddock, and raceway, will ensure we will always have enough water for the livestock.
